Ashley Tisdale, a actriz que dá vida à Sharpay, assinou um contrato com a Disney para fazer um filme centrado na sua personagem (pergunto-me: e o High School Musical era centrado em quê?).
Pelos vistos, a história será baseada na vida de Sharpay na broadway.
Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventures follows the thespian who is about to meet her destiny on Broadway, and luckily, theater lighting highlights her hair and skin tone beautifully. Her big break comes after a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a charity gala, and now there’s not a marquee big enough or lights bright enough to contain the glorious fame she plans on having. Sharpay and Boi head to New York, but theatre is a dog eat dog world, and nothing turns out as Sharpay expects, especially when she meets her match in a rather daunting Broadway starlet.
The Great White Way is all Sharpay’s ever dreamed of, especially since she already has everything else. Life in the big city is a shock, but there’s an even bigger bombshell when Sharpay finally realizes the Broadway role is really for Boi, not her. Putting her disappointment aside, she sets out to make Boi the most fabulous canine star to hit the stage, with the hope that his fame will become her fame (after all, she is his entourage and she holds the leash). Before long, Sharpay makes a new friend in a student filmmaker, Callem, who finds her to be a fascinating subject. Meanwhile, Boi finds puppy love on a Big Apple adventure of his own.
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